What is Ketamine Therapy?

What is Ketamine Therapy?

Ketamine therapy is a new treatment that can be used to help people who are suffering from serious depression. A recent study found that the drug ketamine may provide relief for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) within hours of administration. Ketamine has been used as anaesthesia, but it also has some potential benefits in treating MDD and other mood disorders. This blog post will explore the growing research on ketamine therapy and how it might be able to help those who suffer from severe depression.
Ketamine was first developed in the 1960s as an anaesthetic. It has been used to help patients who are having surgery or other medical procedures by putting them into a temporary state of being "twilight" before, during, and after the administration of anaesthesia. Doctors have also occasionally prescribed ketamine for pain relief since it can act as a sedative and cause people to feel less pain. However, despite decades of research on the drug, there has been little understanding of how ketamine works within the body. Most doctors will use ketamine only under specific circumstances because many patients experience negative side effects that may be unpleasant or dangerous. These side effects were often so severe that they prevented continued use among patients for whom the drug was initially prescribed.
Ketamine Therapy is an innovative treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health disorders. Ketamine therapy has helped many people in the Miami area to recover their life again. Our therapists are trained in this cutting-edge technology that can help you too! Join us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you get on your way to a happier, healthier life. Ketamine is a general anaesthetic that has been in use for decades. It has become increasingly popular as a recreational drug, and it can cause serious negative side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and severe respiratory problems.
Rather than working like most conventional antidepressants (which take several weeks to begin taking effect and often lose effectiveness over time), Ketamine Therapy works almost instantly — the moment you leave our  Healthy Me Miami Medical Therapies Clinic after your first session, you'll notice an improvement in your mood. Our research suggests that there are two reasons why Ketamine therapy is so effective: 1) it acts quickly on the brain's glutamate receptors to regulate glutamate levels; 2) it regulates serotonin production at the DNA level. These may be two of the reasons why patients who had struggled for years with depression and other mood disorders show such dramatic improvement after even a few treatments.
Medical marijuana has been a hot topic among the people in the United States.  IV Therapy Miami  is still being done to see if medical marijuana can actually help with certain conditions, but many states have already legalized it for medicinal use. Marijuana can be used as an alternative treatment for pain, anxiety, and seizures. It also helps stimulate appetite in cancer patients who are going through chemotherapy treatments.  There are two main chemicals in marijuana that help relieve pain and other medical problems. Those two chemicals are THC and CBD. These may be two of the reasons why patients who had struggled for years with depression and other mood disorders show such dramatic improvement after even a few treatments.